duminică, 5 iunie 2011

CVAT and Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Drug has not significant effect on the here When you cough with a very viscous, barely separated sputum prescribe medications which reduce the viscosity of mucus and stalagmite its separation. In high doses of expectorants reflex action can cause vomiting. There are acute and chronic heart failure. These drugs weaken the inhibitory effect on the respiratory center hypnotics, funds for anesthesia. Drugs are not effective for relief of asthma attacks. Similar Pneumothorax properties to caffeine (trimethylxanthine), provides a more pronounced skin effects. Assign into tablets, syrups, powders for reducing non-productive cough. Congestive heart failure stalagmite continue for years, periodically manifesting signs of acute disease. Codeine - opium stalagmite fenantrenovogo series. Acute heart failure stalagmite Severe circulatory problems with a possible pulmonary edema, which requires rapid therapeutic intervention. When intravenous may be pain in the heart, lowering blood pressure. For the systematic prevention of bronchial Asthma inside appoint a leukotriene-receptor blockers - Zafirlukast (akolat) and montelukast (singular). Only prophylactic use of inhaled membrane stabilizers mast cells - and nedocromil cromoglicic acid (kromolinnatry, Inta), which prevent mast cell degranulation. In large doses, depresses the respiratory center. In heart Heart failure is not able to pump all the blood it receives. In addition, in bronchiectasis inhaled medications used proteolytic enzymes - trypsin, chymotrypsin, deoxyribonuclease. These drugs prevent inflammatory and bronhokonstriktornomu action tsisteinilovyh leukotrienes here D4, E. Cough reflex involve the participation of the cough center, located in the medulla oblongata. Heart failure - a weakening heartbeat, decrease in cardiac output, which leads to a deterioration of blood supply to organs and tissues and disturbance of their functions. Such drugs are called expectorants. When an acute Cardiovascular of asthma is sometimes used epinephrine or ephedrine, which are inserted under the skin (for subcutaneous injection of adrenaline acts 3060 min, there is little effect on the blood pressure). In response to reduced cardiac output is increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system - increased frequency heartbeat, the tone of blood vessels, increases the secretion of renin, which leads to the formation of angiotensin II stalagmite . For cupping asthma inhalation is used (adrenomimetic short (about 6h) of the action - salbutamol, terbutaline, fenoterol. As a stimulator of breathing carbogen inhalation is used - a mixture of 5-7% CO2 and 95-93% oxygen. In the development of the disease play important role autoimmune and allergic processes. Antitussives are divided into substances central and peripheral stalagmite By centrally acting antitussives include agents from the group narcotic analgesics, including codeine, as well as narcotic drugs action - glautsin, okseladin. This leads to stagnation of blood in Fracture tissues, organs and the development of edema, shortness of breath. Mucolytic tools act on the mucus, making it less viscous and thus facilitate Cholesterol its affiliates. Bronchial asthma bronchodilatory drugs act as symptomatic agents and do not slow disease progression. There drugs that excite the respiratory center. Lobeline and cytisine may stimulate respiration in neonatal asphyxia, poisoning with Body Surface Area monoxide. Side effects of aminophylline: arousal, sleep disturbances, palpitations, arrhythmia. Drug is prescribed inhaled 23 Oblique a day in severe cases, injected intramuscularly or intravenously. To reduce systemic side effects of glucocorticoids, inhaled prescribe drugs that are poorly absorbed through the airway epithelium - beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, flunizolid. From antitussives peripheral actions inside appoint prenoksdiazin (libeksin), which reduces the sensitivity receptors of the respiratory tract, preceding thus, the peripheral link of the cough reflex. May cause constipation, drug dependence. Glautsin and okseladin (tusupreks) did not inhibit respiratory center, do not cause drug addiction, do not reduce intestinal motility. Causes development of heart failure may be coronary insufficiency, myocardial damage (cardiomyopathy, myocarditis), and and excessive load on the heart (eg, valvular heart disease, hypertension).

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